Jennifer DiMola

Jennifer DiMola
Just do it! You will not regret it.
Jennifer DiMola
I’m originally from Long Island but have made Charlotte my home for the last 15 years. I’m a single mom with two adult children. I have always been in the early childhood field, but decided one day after being passed over for a promotion once again that I wanted more opportunities in my life, that’s when I decided to apply to UNC Charlotte. Imagine my surprise when I was accepted. Most of my life I was told I wasn’t very smart and I did not do well academically. Well, being an adult student at UNC Charlotte certainly changed that because I have graduated magna cum lade with my BA in Child and Family Development with a BK licensure, and have secured a teaching position as a Kindergarten teacher for the year 2021-2022. My academic journey has been filled with many lows, that included lots of tears, and self doubt, but it has been filled with many more highs. I was the recipient of three scholarships, WINGS (for 3 years), MECK Pre-K, and The Office of Study Abroad. The scholarship from the office of study abroad allowed me to study in the UK, children’s British literature and it was an experience like no other. I have made friends and connections with people that I know will last me a lifetime. I will forever be grateful to UNC Charlotte. I am forever a 49er!!!!
Jennifer’s advice: Just do it! You will not regret it. There is so much support for adult students, and take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. Get involved in organizations and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.