ANSWER Scholarship Family-Friendly Library Rooms in Atkins Library
Atkins Library- Family-Friendly Library Rooms
The ANSWER Scholarship Family-Friendly Library Rooms are a designated campus resource that enhances adult students’ ability to excel in their academic programs while caring for children and dependents. This space serves as a place where parents can bring their children and study (click here to reserve a room). We have two child friendly places to study in the library. Thanks to a partnership with J. Murrey Atkins Library, OASES and the ANSWER Scholarship Program, study rooms have been set aside on the second floor (206 and 209) to help adult students excel in their academic programs while caring for children and dependents. The materials, toys, and technology in these rooms provide learning opportunities for children to enhance their motor and literacy skills.

About the sponsor:
The ANSWER Scholarship Program:
In 1984, Susan Andersen graduated from UNC Charlotte with a B.A. in Business Administration. A scholarship from a local organization made it possible for her to attend college. Andersen vowed she would someday pay it forward and help others. She founded The ANSWER Scholarship in 2006. ANSWER scholarships are awarded to local moms who are earning their first four-year degree in any field. ANSWER is one of the few college scholarships in the United States exclusively for mothers with school-age children. ANSWER has helped remarkable mothers earn college degrees and become strong and self-supporting. Their children are inspired to follow their moms’ example and work harder in school. ANSWER thrives thanks to gifts from individuals, organizations, companies, and houses of worship. To learn more about qualifying for an ANSWER scholarship, or to find out how to become a donor, visit