Prospective/Readmit Students

Are you ready to make a life changing decision and complete your degree?

UNC Charlotte offers hundreds of academic choices to help you prepare for your future. As an adult student, you may have many decisions to consider when returning to the classroom. Let an OASES advisor answer your questions about transfer credit, programs of study, and academic resources that support student success. To schedule an appointment, please call 704-687-5104 or email

There are several ways to be admitted as an UNC Charlotte student. The links below will provide information pertaining to the admissions process for each type of admission status.

Undergraduate Admissions:


  • The 49er Finish Program assists former undergraduate UNC Charlotte students with 90+ credit hours, 2.0 CGPA or better, and in good academic, disciplinary, and financial standing to develop a plan for completing a degree. Using a personal advising approach, the program aims to make the transition as smooth as possible for 49er Finish students returning to UNC Charlotte.

Visit the 49er Finish webpage to learn more.